Here you have the choice to read randomly generated sections from different books, as if you were taking a book, opening somewhere and reading what is in front of you.What the app is also ideal for is daily reading in the Baháí scriptures. It can be a good addition to a systematic approach to getting to know the Bahái teachings better.The app itself is available as an online version at: following books are currently available:- Gods verses- Ear picking- prayers- The hidden words- prayers and meditationsFeatures:- Light and dark mode (button next to menu)- Enlargement and reduction of the text (arrows under the text, right)---------------------------------------------Who is interested in the technical process:The books are saved as text files, with each chapter (or section, depending on the book) starting with a unique character - here the @ sign. I now go to one of the subpages, e.g. on "verses of God", then a short Javascript program is activated. Its just a handful of lines of code. The script searches for the number of @ characters in the associated text file and runs this number using a random algorithm. The result is a result, a number (e.g. 19). Then the 19th section is loaded from the text file. If I tap on "Next", the page is simply reloaded and the script runs again.---------------------------------------------This is the 3rd version of NicheLight. It was completely reprogrammed or assembled using a template that already had many basic functions, such as the menu and many sample pages for mobile use. All parts and functions were created after a long research and a lot of try and error. The development of the app is based on the work and knowledge of people who have freely and openly shared their experience on the Internet.------------------------------------------------The website has been released and is recognized by the National Spiritual Council of the Baháí in Germany K.d.ö.R. since 06.06.2013.